Photographer and graphic designer based in Morges, Switzerland
God is dead-image-1 God is dead-image-2 God is dead-image-3 God is dead-image-4 God is dead-image-5
Apr 03

God is dead

Shooting with Nemesis and Miss Crow 

The concept for this shooting was just to show an angel being held captive by a priest that wants to keep control on the angel , then the other angel finds out was has happenned and decides to kill itself when it sees what humans do.

To make it simple, I tried to symbolize the fact that religion is only a tool for humans, the faith in gods doesnt exist anymore, god is dead, gods and religions are controlled by humans used to control other humans.

 Some pictures turned out quite good, others less good, the sooting is not as good as I would have wished but theres some good results at the end.

Here's a link to the complete shooting


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