Photographer and graphic designer based in Morges, Switzerland
Cabaret Bizarre - Lausanne 2016-image-1 Cabaret Bizarre - Lausanne 2016-image-2 Cabaret Bizarre - Lausanne 2016-image-3 Cabaret Bizarre - Lausanne 2016-image-4 Cabaret Bizarre - Lausanne 2016-image-5
Apr 04

Cabaret Bizarre - Lausanne 2016

Shooting at the Cabaret Bizarre in Lausanne, 2016

cabaret Bizarre website

Artists' names:

Michael Ronsky and Hex Manoir - shibari

Curly Gumbo Lee - burlesque performer

Chrysalis - freaky performance

Billie Rae - burlesque performer

Reuben R Kaye 


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